How To Attract Birds To Your Backyard

Try to attract birds by becoming an active birder in your own backyard. It requires three basic elements to create a successful bird habitat around your home; cover for protection from the elements, nesting and as a source of food, water used for drinking and bathing, and bird seed and suet as the food required for the energy it takes them to travel the thousands of miles they travel to migrate to their breeding grounds.
In Spring the birds migrate north, an exciting time for bird watching. Since the birds need to eat and rest before reaching their destination, by properly providing them the right environment, you may tempt them to settle in your yard. If they do, you may not always recognize these feathered friends, so it helps to have a good field guide for proper identification and a pair of binoculars on hand to properly observe and identify them.
Think of the fun you will have doing it. And the Birds will be grateful in return!
In Spring the birds migrate north, an exciting time for bird watching. Since the birds need to eat and rest before reaching their destination, by properly providing them the right environment, you may tempt them to settle in your yard. If they do, you may not always recognize these feathered friends, so it helps to have a good field guide for proper identification and a pair of binoculars on hand to properly observe and identify them.
Think of the fun you will have doing it. And the Birds will be grateful in return!